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English Path at Salt - Kite Beach Dubai 7Days / 7Emirates Ride for Unity #7D7E
Ride for Unity - Spreading the message of Diversity, Inclusion, Tolerance and Sustainability.

Observer Dubai: English Path Sponsors Ride for Unity 7 Days/7 Emirates

In a detailed report by Observer Dubai, the “Ride for Unity: 7 Days/7 Emirates” event is celebrated as a testament to the UAE’s commitment to unity, diversity, tolerance, inclusion and sustainability. Sponsored by English Path, a leading English language school, this cycling event unites 17-20 athletes from various fields to traverse all seven emirates over seven days.

7Days / 7Emirates Ride for Unity #7D7E

Mike Summerfield, Managing Director at English Path, stated, “We at English Path are thrilled to sponsor the ‘Ride for Unity’ event, as it perfectly encapsulates our ethos of bringing people together through shared experiences and learning.”

The event is not just about cycling but also about engaging with communities through educational stops, promoting positivity and teamwork. Participants will engage with local institutions and partake in activities such as planting mangroves and visiting special needs centers, emphasizing the values of inclusion and social responsibility.

Salt - Kite Beach Dubai 7Days / 7Emirates Ride for Unity #7D7E

English Path’s sponsorship highlights their dedication to fostering a diverse and sustainable environment. This partnership aligns with their mission of changing lives through education and promoting greater understanding and unity.

To read the full article and learn more about this inspiring event, visit the Observer Dubai here. Join us in celebrating the principles of unity, diversity, and the unifying power of shared goals.

Observer Dubai - Ride for Unity 7D/7E - 7Days 7Emirates